Military Tuition Assistance
CTU offers reduced tuition rates to Active Duty, Reserve, and National Guard. Each branch of the military handles TA somewhat differently. Contact your branch for details on your eligibility and the branch's process for submitting the Tuition Assistance request.
One of CTU’s Military Education Benefit Specialists can talk to you more about Tuition Assistance and help you navigate your military education benefits and financial aid options.
Air Force Tuition Assistance
Tuition Assistance offers assistance in support of an airman’s professional and personal self-development goals. Eligible personnel include enlisted members who have retainability that extends beyond the course end date, those who are eligible to reenlist and officers agreeing to an active duty service commitment of two years from the completion date of the latest course taken with Tuition Assistance. The maximum tuition assistance paid is up to 100% of tuition and mandatory fees not to exceed $250/semester credit hour, $166/quarter credit hour and $4,500 per fiscal year.
Visit the Air Force Tuition Assistance portal.*
Army Tuition Assistance
Tuition Assistance offers active duty Army, Army Reserve and Army National Guard (officers, warrant officers and enlisted members) assistance in support of a soldier’s professional and personal self-development goals. Benefits are available to eligible active duty soldiers pursuing a college degree, high school diploma or certificate programs. The Army will pay 100% of tuition costs up to the Department of Defense semester hour cap of $250 per semester hour for up to 16 semester hours of TA funded courses per fiscal year.
Visit the Army Tuition Assistance portal.*
Marine Corps Tuition Assistance
Tuition Assistance offers assistance to active duty Marines and enlisted Marine Corps reservists on continuous active duty in support of professional and personal self-development goals. Benefits are available to eligible Marines pursuing a college degree, high school diploma or certificate programs. Marine Corps officers are authorized for Tuition Assistance in exchange for a two year service commitment following completion of the Tuition Assistance funded course. The maximum tuition assistance paid is up to 100% of tuition and mandatory fees not to exceed $250/semester credit hour, $166/quarter credit hour and $4,500 per fiscal year.
Visit the Marine Tuition Assistance portal.
Coast Guard Tuition Assistance
Tuition Assistance offers assistance to eligible active duty, reserve and civilian employees in support of professional personal self-development goals. Benefits are available to those who are eligible to pursue a college degree, high school diploma or certificate programs. The maximum tuition assistance paid is up to 100% of tuition and mandatory fees not to exceed $250/semester credit hour, $166.67/quarter credit hour and $4,500 per fiscal year.
Visit the Coast Guard Tuition Assistance portal.*
Navy Tuition Assistance
Tuition Assistance offers assistance to active duty Naval Officers, Enlisted and Naval Reservists on continuous active duty in support of a sailor’s professional and personal self-development goals. Naval Reservists ordered to active duty 120 days and Naval Reservist Officers ordered to active duty for 2 years or more are also eligible for Tuition Assistance. The maximum tuition assistance paid is up to 100% of tuition and mandatory fees not to exceed $250/semester credit hour, $166/quarter credit hour, $16.67/clock hour, 18 semester hours (27 quarter hours) and $4,500 per fiscal year.
Visit the Navy Tuition Assistance portal.*
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